“Offering quality childcare in a safe, nurturing & fun learning enivironment”
CALL US: 410-747-4800


You are the most important person in your child’s life and the one who knows your child best. Parent-Staff communication is vital to the success of our program. We welcome your questions and suggestions and hope you will share your skills and talents to enhance our program.
We encourage parents to visit our center whenever possible during the year, and to participate in parent meetings, classroom/center events, etc. This will give you an opportunity to see how your child spends his/her time with other children and staff, and will assist us in more fully meeting the needs of your child(ren) in our program.
There are a variety of Parent-Staff communication tools used in our program:
Parent Meetings – Meetings for all parents are held the second Thursday of each month from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided. Parent meetings are set up so that parents can learn more about the child’s experiences here, get to know each other, and talk about topics of interest.
Parent-Teacher Conferences – Individual meetings about your child’s experience are held during November, February, and May. Parents can also request a Parent-Teacher Conference at any time during the program year.
Bulletin Boards – Bulletin boards located throughout the center provide important information and notices. Please check frequently and feel free to share items that may interest parents and staff.
Parent Involvement – We believe the best way for parents to keep abreast of what is happening in our program is by being involved. We welcome parent involvement!
Newsletter – Little Darling’s Childcare Learning Center will issue a monthly newsletter to keep parents aware of special days, thematic units/projects, etc.
Parent Surveys – Parent Surveys will be conducted throughout the program year. The results will provide guidance on how we can improve our program.
Suggestion Box – Suggestion box is located in the lobby. Parents are encouraged to share their ideas for improving our program.
We invite parents/guardians of enrolled children to drop into our center at any time. We want you to look into our busy, noisy, creative, happy classrooms and see your child at work and play. Join us for lunch or simply to observe.
Our staff is experienced in helping you and your child to make a smooth transition from home or another program. We want to ensure that both you and your child are comfortable with our center and that your child enjoys the experience provided by our center. Our staff will keep you informed of your child’s transition into our program. We will partner with you to ensure that your child’s transition is as smooth as possible and if any adjustments are needed we plan together to meet the needs of your child.
Our Curriculum
Little Darlings Childcare Learning Center offers a child-centered, play-based, developmentally appropriate program for children birth through school-age. The Center has chosen to implement the Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, & Twos and Creative Curriculum for Preschool as the curricular foundation for children birth through five years old. The Creative Curriculum System is a comprehensive research-based system that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning. Additional curricular resources will be incorporated to provide a holistic educational approach for each child based on individual needs and to challenge each child’s growth and learning. The center is committed to using research based curricula and curricula resources that are aligned to Maryland’s College and Career Readiness Standards.
Children will be given opportunities to choose learning centers throughout the day through the use of a choice board and through unit themes and projects. Both aid to guide the learning process.
The choice board allows each child to independently identify and select their own activity cards posted on the board.
The choice board goals are designed to:
Give each child the opportunity to select activities independently.
Guide their social development.
Allow the teaching staff to gather information on student skills, interests, and group dynamics.
The domains of learning and development explored include math, science, language arts & literacy, social studies, the arts, social foundations, physical well-being and motor development. Teaching is the art of providing young children with an environment which encourages active exploration and discovery. Themes and projects are planned, yet responsive to individual needs and environmental happenings. Opportunities are provided for children to take responsibility, make decisions and learn through play in mixed-age groupings.
Our curriculum offers children many opportunities for positive interactions with other children and adults. We treat each child with respect and reinforce his/her value as an individual and as a unique member of Little Darlings Childcare Learning Center’s community.
Each child brings his or her own world to us each day…..
Little Darlings Childcare Learning Center Enrollment Application
Little Darlings Childcare Learning Center
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